The following list of items have been selected by librarians for withdrawal and are last copies of their editions in the UW System. Other Univ. of Wisconsin libraries may contact us as soon as possible if there are items they want transferred to their library.
Faculty who are interested in reviewing lists of library withdrawal candidates should download the spreadsheet for a specific call number range (click here to see an explanation of Library of Congress call number classifications). Titles of concern can be emailed to Laurie Petri or your department's library liaison.
UWSP Libraries have partnered with Thrift Books and Better World Books. Thriftbooks Library Program and Better World Books use networks of online marketplaces to find new homes for withdrawn books via resale or donation to literacy programs. Any proceeds help support our Leisure Reading Collections and fill subject gaps/curricula needs in our regular collections.
Potential Discard Lists/Reports will be posted throughout the year. List(s) includes books that have been selected by librarians for withdrawal. The majority of the books are pre-2000, and have had no or little use since 2005. Items proposed for withdrawal will remain shelved in the Library during the designated period for review (normally 30 days, dates are posted with each list).
We welcome your participation! Faculty are encouraged to review the lists and contact us if there are items they want the Library to retain. Spreadsheets are in Excel. Recommendations to keep specific titles can be emailed to the listed library liaisons or contact Collection Development Coordinator Laurie Petri, Thank you for your input!
Library of Congress Classification Outline
Lists below are in order by date posted
Status of Librarian LC progress (spreadsheet and chart)