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ENGL 202: L-CARE Essay (Coletta): Citing Sources

Citation Generators

If you use a citation management tool, be sure to review your results carefully. You are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the citations in your paper. If in doubt, refer to the appropriate style manual for definitive information.

Copyright and Plagiarism

Be sure to consult these additional resources about copyright rules and plagiarism.

Copyright Guide

Plagiarism Resources

Citation Styles

APA Style

Chicago Style

CSE Style

MLA Style

Purdue OWL

Purdue OWL: Research and Citation Resources

This comprehensive site contains overviews of different citation styles, especially APA and MLA. Source: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Citing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Always confirm with your professor whether AI tools like ChatGPT are allowed for each assignment
  • Always verify information sources generated by AI tools
    • AI has been known to generate false information and to cite non-existent sources
    • AI-generated text mines people's intellectual property without crediting them, which raises ethical concern
  • Various citation styles differ in their recommendations for citing AI tools (APA recommends attributing authorship to AI, whereas MLA advises against it). However, regardless of the style, use of an AI tool must be cited or acknowledged in some way. 
  • Some of this guidance may change and will be updated as recommendations evolve.