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NRES 770: Natural Resources Policy and the Legislative Process

Citation Styles

APA Style


Citation Management Tools

If you use a citation management tool, be sure to review your results carefully. You are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the citations in your paper. If in doubt, refer to the appropriate style manual for definitive information.

Additional Citing Guides

Brief Guide to Citing Government Publications

This guide provides examples of the most common instances of government document citations based on the Chicago/Turabian standard bibliographic style. Source: Government Publications Department, Regional Depository Library, The University of Memphis.

EasyBib guides to MLA, APA, and Chicago Style

Citation guides for the latest editions of MLA and APA with examples.

Purdue OWL: Documenting Electronic Sources

This site contains additional links to citations in different disciplines, links to other resources about citing Internet resources, and overviews of different styles, especially APA and MLA. Source: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). 

Teachbytes: How to Cite Social Media: MLA & APA Formats

Contains a useful and easy to use guide that encompases a variety of different social media citations.