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UWSP Libraries
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Features library resources for mathematics majors, students in general mathematics classes, mathematics education students and mathematics faculty.

Math Reference Collection

The Library's Reference Collection provides books for use in the library to help you with definitions, facts, figures, formulas and more.  Here are a few of the most useful items:

Educational Videos

Films on Demand logo

Films on Demand provides films that are time-indexed for showing in the classroom or posting online for your students.  You can choose an entire film, or a section or chapter of a film to view.  There are over 140 films related to mathematics to share with your students!



Article Databases

The following databases are particularly useful for finding articles about mathematics:

Books & More in the Library

One of the best ways to find books in the UWSP Library is to use Browse SearchBy subject, which are like tags. Click on some of the common mathematics subjects below to see our holdings.

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