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Books in the library are arranged by topic according to the Library of Congress Classification system. Most books related to business topics are found the "H" area (currently located in our offsite location)
HA Statistics
HB Economic theory. Demography
HC Economic history and conditions
HD Industries. Land use. Labor
HD58.7-58.95 Organizational behavior, change and effectiveness. Corporate culture
HD59-59.6 Public relations. Industrial publicity
HD60-60.5 Social responsibility of business
HD61 Risk in industry. Risk management
HD66-66.2 Work groups. Team work in industry. Quality circles
HD72-88 Economic growth, development, planning
HD2321-4730.9 Industry
HD4801-8943 Labor. Work. Working class
HD9000-9999 Special industries and trades
HE Transportation and communications
HF Commerce
HF5387-5387.5 Business ethics
HF5410-5417.5 Marketing. Distribution of products
HF5801-6182 Advertising
HG Finance
HG1501-3550 Banking
HG3691-3769 Credit. Debt. Loans
HG3810-4000 Foreign exchange. International finance.
HG4001-4285 Finance management. Business finance. Corporate Finance
HG4501-6051 Investment, capital formation, speculation
HG4538 Foreign investments
HG4551-4598 Stock exchanges
HG4621 Stockbrokers. Security dealers. Investment
HG4701-4751 Government securities. Industrial securities. Venture Capital
HG6105-6270.9 Lotteries
HG8011-9999 Insurance
HJ Public finance
HJ9701-9940 Public accounting. Auditing